The Final Post

Reggie and Benji are part of a neglectful household. Their first half of the summer they are left to their own devices and must take care of themselves. Slowly, but surely their living condition falls apart. The house becomes exceptionally uncleanly, the maggot filled pot is a particularly disgusting example. Their diet consists of nothing but ice cream and whatever else they get their hands on. This not only serves as a representation of their childishness, but also how disorganized their family is, and how their parents are not the most present. 

Their father is neglectful and their only most fond memories of him are when he cuts their hair when he comes home drunk, that only even looks good immediately after it is cut. The family is a "TV family", the TV serves way too important of a role in allowing the family to function. It essentially pacifies the father, and one of the only times that the family comes together. Also, for Benji in particular it serves as a place of comfort separate from the impending violence/doom that is his father. He always switches the channel back to the "Road Warriors" because he knows exactly what is about to happen. There is no need to react or prepare, something that he constantly must do throughout the day. Benji is very in tune with every creak and noise of the household, especially the opening and closing of the liquor cabinet. 

Their household is incredibly superficial. Everyone respects and enjoys the company of Benji's father. Everyone knows about his barbecuing skills, but not the disfunctionality of the family. Even before Benji's parents arrive in sag harbor, these themes are present within the neglectful leaving of the two teens at home alone for weeks. While Benji's father appears to the outside world as an amazing father, the many instances, from leaving his kids alone, never cutting their hair, and being an overall abusive figure tell a much different story to his kids. 


  1. You did a nice job of pointing out the ways in which the house is falling apart behind this image of a successful nuclear family with money and good careers. The word 'superficial' does sum it up pretty well - the image the world sees of the family is very different from what happens behind the scenes, which I feel makes the neglect even worse but there's this additional pressure to appear "perfect".


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